
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How Flexible Should You Be?

The Daily Worth asked how flexible you should be with your job search.

A recent Rutgers survey shows that many unemployed people are uncertain about how much to sacrifice in the name of a paycheck:

65% would take a lower salary
59% would accept a lower-status job
70% would accept a temporary job
Source: Daily Worth (

One thing I really liked about this read was the concept of the "new normal". This might mean that a less-than-full-time job is your best option. Or that you'll need multiple streams of income. Before embarking on the job hunt I assumed I would fall into a single full-time job with benefits and pay that would help drastically reduce my college debt. I'm not really sure that's going to be my normal.

I have applied to jobs with salary ranges that don't thrill me and titles I thought I could have had with just my Bachelors. Right now my title is Job Hunter and I think lots of things would be better than that so I've given myself wiggle room. 

However, as a young professional, I also worry about what my resume is going to look like to prospective employers. The time gap between my last job and future job keeps on growing and I've heard that doesn't look so good. Pursuing work that isn't in my field may help with my financial situation but what will it do for me in the long run and could it be detrimental? Unclear.


Michelle said...

Pursuing work not in your field has both its positives and negatives. It will fill up the time gap (positive) but it won't necessarily apply for what you want to do. My friend recently applied for a job and her friend (the one who got her the interview) told her to leave out her full-time internship or just not focus on it a whole lot since it didn't apply to the job. She felt like she wasted the past year and doesn't know what to do.

Anna said...

Thanks for your comment Michelle. I think one of my biggest fears is wasting time in a position or part-time job that doesn't help to move me forward.

These days students are pushed through high school, college, and graduate school, with limited skills and a one track mind. It can be hard to market that in this economy!